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Series: Recognizing Red Flags in Relationships: Not Saying I'm Sorry

In the intricate world of relationships, apologies act as the glue that holds us together. They signal accountability, pave the way for reconciliation, and show our capacity for empathy and growth.

But when apologies are missing, it's a glaring warning sign.

Avoiding Responsibility:

Apologies aren’t just words; they acknowledge responsibility. If someone consistently avoids apologizing, it signals an unwillingness to own up to their actions. This reluctance can lead to blame-shifting, evasiveness, and unresolved conflicts.

Communication Breakdown:

Apologies are essential for healthy communication, fostering open dialogue, mutual understanding, and conflict resolution. Without them, misunderstandings fester, grievances linger, and resentment builds, eroding trust and connection.

Disregard for Emotions:

Apologies demonstrate empathy and an awareness of how our actions affect others. Their absence often suggests indifference to others’ feelings, leading to invalidation and mistrust.

Lack of Personal Growth:

Personal growth requires reflection and the willingness to improve. Apologies demand humility and self-awareness, showing a desire to learn from mistakes. Without them, relationships stagnate, lacking the progress needed for longevity.

Signs of Manipulation:

Sometimes, the refusal to apologize hints at deeper issues like manipulation or control. Individuals who avoid apologies may be trying to assert power or maintain dominance, undermining trust and creating unhealthy power imbalances.

Here’s how it often plays out:

Power Imbalance

Refusing to apologize can create a sense of superiority, where the manipulator makes the other person feel wrong or guilty even if they were not at fault. By avoiding apologies, the manipulator holds onto control, implying that they are always right.


The manipulator may make the victim believe they are overreacting or misinterpreting the situation. This psychological manipulation leads the victim to question their reality and sometimes apologize themselves, despite being wronged.

Deflection and Blame Shifting

Instead of owning up to their mistakes, manipulators redirect the conversation, putting the blame on the other person. This tactic shifts attention away from their own wrongdoing, leading the victim to apologize or feel responsible.

Maintaining Control

By refusing to acknowledge their faults or apologize, manipulators keep others on edge, making them work harder for the manipulator's approval. The victim may then prioritize pleasing the manipulator to maintain harmony, creating dependency.

Emotional Manipulation

The manipulator might use silence, passive-aggressive behavior, or emotional withdrawal to punish the other person for seeking an apology. This makes the victim desperate for approval and more willing to concede to the manipulator's terms.

Addressing the absence of apologies due to manipulation in relationships requires patience, clear communication, and setting healthy boundaries. Here are some steps:

Recognize the Behavior

Pay attention to patterns that indicate manipulation, such as avoiding responsibility, shifting blame, or making you doubt your perceptions. Acknowledging this pattern is crucial before confronting it.


Reflect on your feelings and responses. Understanding how the manipulation affects your emotions can help you respond more clearly and calmly.

Set Boundaries

Establish firm boundaries about acceptable behavior. Express what you won’t tolerate and be prepared to enforce these boundaries if crossed.

Direct Communication

When calm, have an honest conversation about the lack of apologies and its impact on the relationship. Use "I" statements (e.g., "I feel hurt when...") to express your emotions without sounding accusatory. Be clear about your expectations.

Avoid Engaging in Blame Games

If the other person tries to deflect blame or gaslight, stay grounded in your perspective. Don't get caught in their manipulative tactics, and keep reiterating your boundaries.

Encourage Positive Change

If the relationship is important to both parties, encourage the other person to work on their communication skills and willingness to apologize. This might involve counseling or self-improvement resources.

Seek Support

If manipulation is persistent or deeply ingrained, consider seeking outside support, like therapy or trusted friends, to gain perspective and guidance.

Evaluate the Relationship

If the other person refuses to change and the manipulation continues, it may be necessary to re-evaluate the relationship's future. Ending toxic relationships can be difficult but is often necessary for long-term well-being.

Ultimately, addressing manipulation requires a commitment to your emotional health and ensuring that relationships are built on mutual respect and accountability.

©2022 by Nicole Rose, LCSW.

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